Alabama Public Records Search

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Greene County, Alabama – Jail and Prison Records

Hunting for jail and prison records for inmates and recently-arrested persons anywhere in Alabama can be difficult, and Greene County is no exception. This is due to a myriad of privacy laws and outdated websites, and what this unfortunately means is that Greene County, Alabama does not provide an online database of persons currently incarcerated there.

However, the state of Alabama itself does. The Alabama Department of Corrections maintains a database of all persons currently imprisoned within the state, including Greene County. This tool can be used by visiting the ADoC’s website by clicking here:

If you are looking for statistics and other types of data relating to jail and prison records for Greene County, Alabama, then the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center is an excellent place to begin. Some of the more notable features of their website include an overview of crime in Alabama (found here 2009), a listing of all arrests by county and by year (found here

If you have received permission from the individual in question, then you can access a Criminal Background Check at Please be aware, however, that this does require consent of the person for whose records you are searching.

Finally, you can contact the Greene County Sheriff’s Office. This office will be able to tell you whom they currently have imprisoned, and how long they will be there. The Greene County Sheriff’s Office can be located at 400 Morrow Avenue, and is found in Eutaw, Alabama. They can be reached by telephone at (205)372-3242.
