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Conecuh County Public Records Resources

Conecuh County was created on February 13, 1818, and its name is a Muscogee word that has been interpreted to mean “land of cane”. Its county seat was in the town of Sparta at first and later, during 1868, was moved to Evergreen. The county is located in the southern portion of Alabama and its total population as of the year 2000 was 14,089.

Although the county was once declared a disaster area a few years ago due to a hurricane, its crime rates didn’t match up to the term “disaster”. In a survey, offenses such as forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault were rated average according to numbers, but other assault arrests are always making way to the number one spot on the crime list in the county.

Now, if you wish to search for all available information about a particular individual in Conecuh County then an online public records database is sure to provide the best and easiest way. You can also pay a visit to the county courthouse and/or sheriff’s office if you want to search manually in Conecuh County. See below for their locations.

County Courthouse Info:

Conecuh County Courthouse:
P.O. Box 149
Evergreen, AL 36401-0347
Telephone: (334) 578-1221

County Sheriff's Office Info:

Conecuh County Sheriffs Office:
104 Liberty Street
Evergreen, AL 36401
Telephone: (251) 578-1260
