Alabama Public Records Search

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Marshall County, Alabama – Marriage and Divorce Records

Here’s the thing with the limitations behind accessing marriage and divorce records in Marshall County, Alabama: there are none. Where birth certificates require you to be directly related to the person indicated on the certificate or the person themselves, and death records require you to be related to that person, and many types of criminal background records require the express consent of the reviewed, marriage and divorce records have no such limitations.
This means that, for any reason you either want or even any reason you can think of, you can get ahold of the marital records for anyone in the state of Alabama. In fact, you don’t even need a reason.
This is because the Alabama legislature has determined that this type of information should be available to the public, mostly to protect them. This way, you can always be sure that someone new you have begun dating is being entirely faithful to you, and you can even figure out if your sorry wretch of an ex-husband has remarried anytime recently. No matter your reasons, you are allowed to keep them as entirely your own.
However, you still must provide certain things to the ADPH in order to access these records: namely, $15 for the first copy of any record, as well as a completed form for the ADPH. Provided that you manage both of these, marital records and divorce records are yours.
To see the form and other requirements for the marital records section, please see this page: For divorce records, please view this section:
