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Franklin County Arrest Records and Warrants

Unfortunately, Franklin County, Alabama is like many other counties in Alabama in that its sheriff’s office does not maintain an online presence. Although some counties in Alabama make learning about arrest records and warrants an easy affair that consists of little more than visiting the appropriate web page, some additional work will be required for arrest records and warrants in Franklin County, AL.

The ideal place to begin when looking for active arrest warrants for Franklin County, Alabama, is through the Franklin County Sheriff Office. This office, located at 748 Walnut Gate Road, Russellville, AL, and reachable by phone at (256)332-8811, will have access and be able to provide you with any and all information concerning arrest warrants for Franklin County, Alabama.

This office will also be able to provide you with arrest records for Franklin County, although they will only be able to inform you whom has been arrested – they cannot divulge further criminal records, however.

If you are more interested in the statistics that surround Franklin County, Alabama, specifically those that pertain to crime, then you should visit the webpage of the ACJIC. This group, which is dedicated to studying crime in Alabama, has put together a large database of relevant information. The best place to begin on their website is the Crime in Alabama Overview, which can be found at

Alternatively, you can visit the statistics page of the ADC. When combined with the ACJIC’s data sets, you can glean a very clear window of information for records of arrest and warrants in Franklin County, AL. These stats are located at
