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Calhoun County Jail & Prison Inmate Records Search

Are you looking for information regarding the jail and prison system in Calhoun County, or trying to find out whether someone you know is currently incarcerated in a Calhoun County correctional facility?

The physical location of the Calhoun County Jail is 400 West 8th Street, Anniston, AL, and can be contacted by telephone at (256)236-5561. You should note that this address is the same as the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office, which can also be a valuable resource for prison inmate searches. The Sheriff’s Office may be contacted by telephone at (256)237-4731.

Unlike many counties in Alabama, the Sheriff’s Department of Calhoun County provides an active listing of all individuals currently incarcerated within Calhoun County. In addition to showing whom was arrested, it also displays brief information about their jail and prison records, allowing you to perform an impromptu criminal background check. This listing can be found at

If the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Department or their website has not helped you sufficiently in your inmate search, then there are a few other options to you. The Alabama Department of Corrections has a Prison Inmate Search Tool, which will allow you to search through a database of all of the prisoners currently imprisoned in Alabama, including Calhoun County. This tool is located at

Although you cannot obtain an official criminal record unless you are an employer or the individual named, some interesting prison and inmate records can be found at, which details recent escapes, or, which details individuals whom are serving time on death row, or even, which provides a statistical analysis of crime in Alabama.
