Alabama Public Records Search

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Marion County, Alabama – Jail and Prison Records

If you have ever spent time looking for any official records in Alabama – and if you’re visiting this page, then you probably have before – then you have likely found how challenging this process can be. While jail and prison records for Marion County are not explicitly listed on the internet, that does not mean that you cannot obtain them – just that you will need to know exactly where to look for them.
The best place to start a jail and prison records search for just about any county in Alabama – including for Marion County – is with the Alabama Department of Correction. The Alabama DOC has an Inmate Search Tool that can access a database of every prisoner in the state of Alabama, and it won’t do you any good to look for these kinds of records unless you’re sure that they have been or currently are in prison. This tool can be found at
Because Marion County does not provide an online listing of persons currently imprisoned (although they do have a Most Wanted section, which you can access here:, you will not be able to access the full details of every crime the individuals have stood accused of. However, by using the Alabama DOC’s statistics page, you can find valuable information out about the general state of crime and prisons in Alabama. This page can be found at
