Alabama Public Records Search

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Henry County, Alabama – Birth Certificates and Death Records

If you’re searching for the birth certificates or the death records of your relatives, then you are in luck: in Alabama, these types of records are known as what are called Vital Records, and provided you are related to the person named on them, then accessing them and obtaining a copy of them is an easy and straightforward affair. Even if you are not related to the person named on the certificate or record, you will still be able to get ahold of the record, but you will need to wait a certain period of time.

The other reason why these records are easily accessed is because they are maintained by the Alabama Department of Public Health. The ADPH, whose website is, provides avenues of access for a wide variety of Vital Records and other documents. The page that details the requirements for birth records can be located at, and the page that details requirements for death records can be located at Generally speaking, you still must demonstrate a level of relation to access a death record, but this can be to a lesser extent than must the birth certificate be.

The first copy of any Vital Record, whether it is a birth certificate or a death certificate, will cost you $15.00, and every copy after that will cost $6.00.

Unlike some other counties in Alabama, Henry County does not have a webpage for its ADPH branch, nor does it have an office that you can visit. Therefore, all contact must be handled over the Internet.
