Alabama Public Records Search

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Henry County, Alabama – Jail and Prison Records

There is a good chance that if you have spent any time trying to find jail, and or prison records for Henry County, Alabama – or any county in Alabama – then you have probably found that it can be very difficult. This is for several different reasons: privacy laws throughout Alabama can make it more difficult to access jail and prison records, but also because Henry County, Alabama does not provide many viable resources online. In the future, the website for their sheriff may provide more information (it is located at, but as of publication it provides no information at all.

However, contacting the Henry County Sheriff’s Department is still necessary to find out some information. Instead of doing so online, you can contact them via telephone at (334)585-3131, or by visiting them in person at 101 Court Sq, Abbeville, AL.

If you are just trying to figure out if someone you know has been arrested or is currently imprisoned anywhere in Alabama, then there are a few other resources that are available to you. The best and easiest to use for finding individual persons in the Alabama prison system is the Alabama Department of Corrections’ Prison Inmate Search Tool. This tool, located at, provides an online listing and can be used by anyone at any time.

If you are looking for statistics on imprisoned persons in Alabama, then the ADC also can provide that for you as well. If this is more along the lines of what you are looking for, then visit their statistics page at
