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Shelby County, Alabama – Court Records

When looking for court records for just about any county in Alabama, a single theme seems to pretty often come up: those records are simply not online. Despite the ability of the internet to house a huge majority of these records, the simple fact of the matter is that these records just don’t get stored online.
Where many communities and court systems provide only minimal levels of detail, however, Shelby County provides quite robust information. One of the unique aspects of their website is that they actually explain what they are able to do for citizens, as well as what they cannot do – you can find this list here: This is an important list to read if you are unsure what you need from the court.
The home page for the Circuit Clerk’s Office, which you can use to get to pretty much any other court page in Shelby County, can be located at Their address is right inside of the Shelby County Courthouse, First Floor, Room 128. 112 North Main Street, PO Box 1810, Columbiana.
To view the forms which you will need to fill out for pretty much any court record, visit this link: From there, simply click on the only link on the page to be given a PDF. Once filled out, follow the accompanying instructions to receive your court records.
Please note that not all records are available to all people, and you may be required to pay small fees or provide identification.
