Alabama Public Records Search

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Geneva County Jail and Prison Records

If you are searching for jail and prison records for Geneva County, Alabama, then you may unfortunately be in for a bit of a struggle. Geneva County does not appear to actively maintain a database of those persons whom is has imprisoned in Geneva County, and nor does it appear to have a listing of recent arrest records.

Although Geneva County itself does not host much of this information, a great deal of it is still available – but you will have to look in other places. You can go through either a private business, or you can utilize statewide Internet searches.

If you decide to use the tools provided by the Alabama state government, then your best bet for starting is by using the Alabama Department of Corrections Inmate Search Tool. Located at, this tool is useful for finding persons whom are currently imprisoned anywhere in Alabama.

Due to privacy laws, you cannot usually access the prison records of individual people without their consent. However, there are a number of official websites which list a great deal of jail and prison records statistics for Alabama.

The best place to begin is with the Crime throughout Alabama Overview, which is found at This set of data is provided by the ACJIC, a state-sponsored organization that is dedicated to providing data about crime in Alabama. Other worthwhile data sets include 2009 crimes in Alabama (, and 2009 arrests by county (

Another excellent resource for information is the ADC. In addition to providing the search tool listed above, they also provide a statistics page, which can be located at
