Alabama Public Records Search

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Madison County, Alabama – Jail and Prison Records

Often, finding any sort of jail or prison records for Alabama is often difficult. Thankfully, jail and prison records for Madison County, Alabama are fairly easy to come by. Thanks in large part to a series of excellent, official websites, accessing this type of information is often a mere few clicks away. You should begin at the Madison County Sheriff’s Office’s website, which is located at Here, you can find contact information for the office (, a list of unsolved crimes, where you can provide tips and information to the police (, and even career opportunities.
But you didn’t come to this page for a new job: you came looking for jail and prison records for Madison County. You will be most interested in the Most Wanted section of the website (, which provides a list of all of those people whom are sought by the police.
If this wasn’t enough information for you, then we recommend you visit the Department of Corrections of Alabama’s Inmate Search Tool, which will tell you if the person you’re looking for is currently imprisoned within Alabama. This tool can be found at
For additional records that are based on statistics – and not individual prisoners – you should have a gander at the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center, which provides crime stats in the state of Alabama. The best place to begin – their overview – can be found at 2009. You can also view the data by arrests by county (, or even by year (
