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Bibb County Arrest Records & Warrants

Because having a warrant out for your arrest, or even if you’re spending a lot of time in the company of someone whom has a warrant out for their arrest, has such great potential to have a tremendous impact on either of your lives, it is important to be aware of any outstanding warrants.

Although some counties, cities, and areas in Alabama make warrants for arrest and recent imprisonments public information, Bibb County does not do so on an official basis.

Should you, or someone that you know, have a good reason or fear that there may be a warrant out for your arrest, then you should start by contacting the Bibb County Sheriff’s Department. Their website is located at, and the physical address of the Sheriff’s Department is 183 S.W. Davidson Drive, Centreville, AL 35042. The office can be contacted via telephone at (205)926-4683.

You should note that, depending on the department, the office may not tell you over the phone of existing outstanding warrants or active warrants, and may instead request that you present yourself to the Sheriff’s Department in person. This is generally the best way to handle the situation should you discover that a warrant is out for your arrest, although you should also seriously consider contracting the services of a legal defense attorney before presenting yourself to the Sheriff’s Department.

While arrest records are not explicitly available from the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office, there are many resources online which may be of some use to you. First among these is a brief statistical study from the University of Michigan, which details how many arrests were made in Bibb County, AL. It can be located here:

An additional resource that will be beneficial to you should you believe someone close to you has been incarcerated is the Alabama Department of Corrections Prison Inmate Search Tool, which can be accessed at
