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Butler County Birth & Death Records

Despite the difficulty that can be encountered when looking for certain varieties of records in Butler County, obtaining an additional copy of either a birth or death record can be remarkably easy, and can be done in a wide variety of ways. However, before you visit the Alabama Department of Public Health to request a birth certificate, there are some things you should be aware of.

The first is that both birth records and death certificates are considered a type of Vital Record in Alabama. Under Alabama state law, Vital Records are split into two categories based on how easy they are to access. Birth and death records are restricted, meaning that you need to demonstrate a particular level of relation with the person named on the certificate in order to have one made.

The specific requirements for obtaining a birth certificate for someone other than yourself can be found here: Broadly speaking, these requirements revolve around your being related, by blood or marriage, to the individual named on the certificate or record.

Alabama state law also prohibits certain people from accessing the death records or death certificates of people to whom they bear no relation, although the requirements aren’t quite as strict. A complete list of them may be found here:

You ought to be aware that getting a new copy of a birth certificate or a death record will cost $15.00 for the first copy, and $6.00 for each copy after that.

The homepage for the Butler County Health Department is, although all types of Vital Records may be ordered online using the above links.
